Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Sunny centerville!


Elizabeth said...

Looks like it was a warmer day there today. Hooray! We did a fun experiment in my class today. Check out my blog and the posted photos!

ortiz said...

Frickn anti social roadie...love you.
The ride tonight was the best ever. I can' believe it. Willing Virgins, Free Money, and girls with Tatoo's....It's cool though, I'll catch ya later...

Davey Boy said...

mmmmmm virgins!!!!!

c-record said...

that place used to be the main pitstop for refueling back in the CCC (cornhusker cycling club) days.

Davey Boy said...

oh yes, now its just junk inside.

Davey Boy said...

oh yes, now its just junk inside.